Author: lfsuser

When an elderly person falls, it’s definitely a cause for concern. Even if they aren’t injured, a fall can be a sign of a more serious condition such as dehydration or vertigo. For that reason, if your loved one...

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Frequently Asked Questions About Wandering and Elopement It’s a common enough story in the news: a resident in a nursing home has left the facility and the family is sick with worry trying to find them. The number of nursing...

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Falls in Nursing Homes

December 22, 2020

If you have placed a loved one in a nursing home or know someone who lives in one and visit them, you may be concerned about their safety and wellbeing. You have every right to expect the facility to be properly set up to prevent...

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When someone goes to the hospital for surgery, the anesthesiologist will need to determine whether it is necessary to have a breathing tube inserted or not. The tube typically goes in through the mouth and continues down through...

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Geriatric Nursing Care Plan: The Basics One of the most important factors while evaluating a nursing home for your elderly family member is the kind of care plan they present and follow. In all nursing environments, quality care...

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For many people living in a nursing home facility, swallowing food or may prove difficult. This means that nursing homes have to monitor or supervise the food intake of their patients. The risk of choking, possibly even death,...

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Anticoagulants, also known as blood thinners, are drugs used for preventing blood clots. They’re commonly prescribed for elderly patients who have a high risk of stroke; unfortunately, anticoagulants significantly increase a...

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According to a 2009 study, incontinence affects over 50 percent of nursing home residents across the country. Incontinence, defined as the loss of bladder or bowel control, in elderly nursing home patients is often due to...

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Anticoagulation therapy is commonly used to reduce the risk of blood clot formation in nursing home residents who may be at an increased risk of suffering a stroke due to immobility, atrial fibrillation, and other comorbidities....

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In theory, patients should find healing and recovery at the hospital. Sadly, elderly patients stand a high risk their condition(s) worsening during the hospital recovery period, as many elderly patients who come to the hospital...

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