Category: The Rooth Law Firm Nursing Home Abuse

Many elderly people like to dabble in modern technology. Some have computers or iPads, and use the Internet to communicate with their friends and family. However, the elderly are not the most technology-savvy bunch, which makes...

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Slips, trips and falls occur all too frequently in nursing homes across the United States, and are often a sign of nursing home abuse or neglect. The difference between a slip, a trip and a fall are subtle, but distinct. A...

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Elopement, which occurs when a nursing home resident takes unauthorized leave of the facility, is not a behavior that is limited to those residents having known cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia....

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Elder Care in China China is the most populated country on the planet with a population that is approaching 1.4 billion people. The population pyramid for China shows a bulge in the middle age groups, which is cause for...

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What Are Advanced Directives? Advanced directives are legal documents in which an individual can specify his or her end-of-life care decisions. Each individual has the right to accept or refuse life-prolonging and...

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The Chicago Tribune reports that two young certified nursing assistants (CNAs) at a St. Charles nursing home have been fired after abusing a nursing home resident and videotaping the abuse.  Jacqueline Santos and Chemyra...

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There are many situations that can cause a nursing home resident to trip and fall accidentally. In particular, changes in the elevation level of the floor can pose as a trip hazard. Even a slight change in elevation, merely...

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Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease that affects an individual’s cognitive abilities. Affecting over 5 million Americans, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death. Traditionally, Alzheimer’s disease is...

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Malnutrition is a blanket term that refers to either a surplus of nutrition or a nutrition deficiency. A deficiency exists when intake does not satisfy demand, while a surplus exists if more of a nutrient is being taken in than...

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Bedsores, also known as pressure ulcers or pressure sores, are an all too common occurrence in the nursing home environment. Bedsores are almost always an indication that abuse and/or neglect is occurring in the facility at the...

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