Category: The Rooth Law Firm Nursing Home Abuse

Many wanderers often exist in their minds in a very different world than the one in which they actually are. They are often living in their memories, wanting to go to jobs from which they have long since retired, or visiting...

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The Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 is a federal law that requires nursing home facilities to assess a new resident’s nutritional state regularly. In light of a resident’s assessments, well-balanced and palatable meals must...

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Psychotic drugs are one of the types of medication commonly used as chemical restraints in nursing homes, as these drugs are readily available and many residents in the nursing home have mental conditions that require treatment...

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It is all too unfortunate how frequently bed sores are reported in nursing homes. However, bed sores are a clear indication of nursing home abuse and/or neglect, and should be reported to the appropriate authorities. Upon...

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Reduce Hip Fracture Risk

January 28, 2014

There are many risk factors for elderly people that can contribute to an increased risk of sustaining a broken or fractured hip injury as the result of an accidental fall. Nursing home staff should take these risk factors into...

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Redirect Wandering Residents

January 27, 2014

Wandering is a common occurrence at many nursing homes across Illinois, particularly involving residents with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. There exists both safe wandering and unsafe wandering. Unsafe wandering can be...

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The Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 is a federal law that requires nursing home staff to assess an incoming resident’s nutritional status at the time of admission to the home, and then repeated every three months for the...

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Elderly Experiencing Changes

January 23, 2014

You might not think about it, but older people experience many changes as they age. Body parts and senses on which the person has relied are beginning to fail, friends and colleagues known for years are passing away or forgetting...

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Bedsore Prevention

January 22, 2014

Bedsores occur all too frequently to residents in a nursing home environment. They are the result of prolonged periods of sitting or lying down without moving and can be a sign of nursing home abuse and/or neglect. Preventing...

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Sometimes when a resident of a nursing home suffers from a fall, the resident can break or injure his or her hip. Such injuries often require surgery and a long recovery, but residents can usually return to the nursing home...

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