Category: The Rooth Law Firm Nursing Home Abuse

Malnutrition and dehydration in nursing homes are a growing concern for both nursing home residents and healthcare professionals. Malnutrition occurs when an individual does not get enough of the proper nutrients to support their...

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When it's time for our loved ones to require more care than we can provide at home, we want to ensure they are safe and well-cared for. Choosing a nursing home is a big decision and one that deserves careful consideration. But...

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If you suspect that your loved one is a victim of nursing home neglect, there are steps you can take to report it. In Illinois, the Illinois Department of Public Health is responsible for investigating nursing home abuse or...

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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

October 24, 2022

No one wants to hear or find out that the place they have chosen as the primary caretaker of their elderly relative turns out to be an abusive operation. However, abuse in nursing homes stories plays out repeatedly, mainly...

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Nursing home residents depend on caregivers to meet their needs. Unfortunately, at some facilities, residents aren't given adequate care. Not only can this neglect cause emotional harm, but it can also lead to serious injuries...

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Nursing home abuse can affect any of our loved ones, despite how clean, organized, or friendly a nursing home might seem. Unfortunately, nursing abuse cases are all too common, with an estimated 15,000 abuse cases reported in...

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Nursing homes have and are expected to perform a specific duty of care. They have licensed operations with staff with certification and legal permission to perform their duties. All of these criteria are in place under Nursing...

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Making the choice to place your loved one in a nursing home facility was likely not an easy decision to make. As you know, not all nursing facilities are created equal, which makes choosing one particularly...

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What Are Common Injuries Sustained in Nursing Homes? While there are many adequate nursing homes in the U.S. that take pride in caring for our nation’s elders, there are also many inadequate facilities that do not properly...

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Oftentimes, elderly adults require specialized care, which requires their families to make the difficult decision of placing them in a nursing home. Unfortunately, the elderly are commonly abused in the nursing homes that their...

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