Category: The Rooth Law Firm Nursing Home Abuse

There are many different types of medication errors, and each has its own risks. These errors can happen when medications are prescribed, when they are dispensed, or when they are given. Hundreds of thousands of individuals in...

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Various predictive tools have been developed over the years to assist medical staff in determining whether a person is at a high risk of developing a bedsore. In particular, these tools are used in long-term care facilities,...

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The most terrifying aspect of an accidental slip and fall for an elderly individual is knowing that the fall could result in a nasty injury that could forever afterward limit his or her mobility. The accident could cause the...

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Face App for Dementia

May 12, 2014

Sometimes you witness it for yourself and other times you hear a story from friends and co-workers about dealing with loved ones or relatives that have neurocognitive disorders. Stories often include details about elderly loved...

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Canadian researchers and doctors at the University of Calgary developed a pair of underwear that are specially designed to help prevent the development of pressure ulcers, also commonly referred to as bedsores. Bedsores are...

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Heart Attack Response

May 06, 2014

A heart attack, also known as a cardiac arrest, is a serious medical condition that occurs when blood supply is cut off to the heart. Smooth muscle cells in the heart do not get enough oxygen, and start to die, causing the heart...

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When nursing home residents leave their nursing home facilities, it can be very scary for the family members of the eloped resident. While some elopements are deliberate acts done by fully cognizant residents, most often...

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There are immense health benefits to drinking plenty of water. Water keeps our body tissues moist, such as the eyes, mouth, and throat wet; our joints well lubricated; and helps to prevent constipation. Water is also vital to...

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What is Protein-Energy Malnutrition? Many people think that malnutrition is simply not getting enough food to eat. However, there are actually many different types of malnutrition, such as protein deficiency, and vitamin and...

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